
September 2007

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It's time to explore the depths.  This calls for...

...someone out of the Village People.  Woo yeah!

Down we go.

Again, another photo taken by someone else, helpfully showing Lynne tackle the steep stairs down, and me getting my belly out.  Tsk.

Needless to say, light was limited down there.  I've chosen this shot because it looks cool.  In my opinion.

We weren't exiting this way.

Our next stop was here.  A clearing where they had an array of shops and somewhere to park.

The scenery was striking.  You can see here where the lava has blazed a trail, destroying everything in its wake.

As well as the shops, there was a bar.  You have to be thirsty to drink here, I reckon.

Lynne was finding it cold so got all wrapped up - in someone else's coat (apparently it was the guide's).

Another dramatic scene.

This tree was cut clean in two.

This building didn't make it, being completely swamped by the lava flow.

We headed on to a restaurant type place.

It was all too much for some of us.

We ate well that afternoon, as they brought course after course (after course).  We were in there for three hours or so.  At least.  Lynne tucks in.  And some guy looks suspiciously at me.

Another feature of the nearby countryside was the effect of the water running away from near Mount Etna, which had eroded a polished trail over the years.

We headed further down.

And finally we were there, at the Alcantara river park.

I bravely ventured into the cold water.  It was uncomfortably stony underfoot too.

Lynne eventually came into join me and posed amidst the striking walls.

Our driver for the day was this moustachioed gentleman.  No idea why I've put this here.  Thanks for the coat, dude!

Next day, we braved the beach.  It wasn't that warm really.  We were so ruddy, bloody brave.  Well, Lynne wasn't.  But we're English, and we have to have a good time at the beach.  It's tradition.

It wasn't the most inviting of seas, and I don't think I went in this time.

But we could still find some great views.

It's... cable car time!  I think we actually had already travelled down it when we were at the beach.

And here is the view back up.

Here we have a faithfully restored original Roman floorplan.

Not much more to go now, but I will finish it off another time.

And that time is now.  We seem to be in the mood for pulling faces tonight.




Ah, jolly japes.  We were amused to find "This is not a present" written at the top of a receipt for drinks.  But also disappointed.

All this slightly dodgy weather was building to something, and that something struck tonight, with a very heavy rainstorm.  We ducked into a restaurant (it's amazing how quickly you can choose one when the other option would be to get drenched).  The food in there was very nice, but what was more notable was the power going off on numerous occasions throughout the night.  It meant I needed a candle to accompany me to the toilet (I think that's what this photo is, anyway).

We also used the opportunity to use the minimal light to our photographic advantage.  "I have a story to tell you, mwahahaha...."

Outside, two cars faced off in the pouring rain, in a somewhat film noir style backdrop.

Next up was Tuesday 25th, in pleasingly predictable order, and today it rained.  And rained.  And rained.  This was the view of the day.

We did manage a hurried excursion to the local deli for meat, bread and cheese, but otherwise we were generally marooned as it rained for the best part of 24 hours.  I entertained myself by annoying Lynne with my repeated "There's only so much up there" comments.  It did cede enough for us to head down into the town to get some tea.  Still looks pretty choppy, though.

On the way back, it looked to be clearing.  We had a boat tour the next day so hopefully it would still be on.

Unfortunately, it wasn't.  Whilst the weather was glorious on our penultimate day, the sea still had just too much residual choppiness for our tour.  And, having gotten up at stupid o'clock and sat on coach for an hour or so, we headed straight back again.  Ah well.  We would just have to make our own entertainment.  Not sure what this is the view from, though.

Anyway, our entertainment so... back to Taormina!

For crazy ice cream...

...and pastry-based desserts.

And more silly faces are clearly in order.


Some wise(ish) words...


And that was that.  We had enjoyed our time here, even catching one last glimpse of Mount Etna on the way to the airport.

Still time for some cool shots from the plane.  Like this one.

And also this one.

The end.

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