
September 2007

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I'll open with some more vibrantly coloured flowers.  Why not, eh?


And a strange building thing.

We then went to the Greek Amphitheatre in Taormina.  Here is the less scenic view back up from the stage.

We were quite high up, which enable some stunning views.  Somewhere over in the distance, shrouded by the clouds, is Mount Etna.

Here is the view along the coast stretching to the north.  You can't really see it in this photo, but to the right and ahead is the coast if mainland Italy.

And here is the view of the amphitheatre in all its glory.  At some point during our exploration, I popped in front of the stage to be videoed by Lynne for my Where The Hell Is Matt? dance.

Emboldened by my dancing in front of the camera, I decided to pose.

This looked a bit like a chance for a stylish number one-shaped photo.

Well, this is where Lynne and I parted ways.  I was determined to make myself up a whole load of stairs.  Here was the sign at the bottom of those stairs.  The illustration on the sign doesn't really do it justice.

Here are some better indications of what lay ahead.  Steps.  And lots of them.


Here is looking over (and down) to the amphitheatre.  And I'm still going.  It was a warm day too.

The quest to the top continued...

And, bloody hell, the views!

Pretty far up and there was a little chapel.  You'd have to be pretty committed to come and pray here.

I surreptitiously photographed the chapel entrance.

Here is the view back down to the chapel.

I kept going and going but, much to my disappointment, the gate was locked and I could go no further.

But I was still happy to have made it!

Not least because I didn't have to go up any more stairs.  Phew, eh.  Across the way, impressively, there was a village up a hill.

Here is a shot back of coastline, which is possibly Giardino Naxos. 

I eventually reunited with Lynne, who had sensibly stayed down at a lower level.  That will do for now.  Coming up... a visit to Mount Etna.

Right then, as promised: some Mount Etna action.  Well, not action - more like inaction.  This isn't Iceland.  This is our vehicular transport for the day.

We congregated behind this vehicle.  This was in fact a shot taken by someone else and later sent to us.  This was the group who were going on our particular tour.

After a bit of driving, we stopped in a town.  Which had this imposing looking building.  I know not what it is.

And a spectacular fountain.

The weather was, it's fair to say, cloudy, and the rolling clouds closed in to create an eerie atmosphere.

The local elderly gentlemen gathered to play games, in what looks like it might be a classic Sicilian scene.

Now we're talking.  Never mind ice-cream vans, this is right up my street: a cheese van.  Or vanni formaggi to give it the proper Italian name.

A brave, so ruddy brave chapel stood alone in the onslaught of the nearby Mount Etna.

This was the slightly unnerving view from reasonably high up.  Unfortunately, the clouds rolled in and spoiled the sight a little, but did make it more atmospheric.

More soon.  On page three.