Sarah & Gareth's weddinG

Nutters by Night

"Tales of debauchery will appear soon" it used to say at the top of here (and, er, still does now).  How right they were...

Paul continued to show his fascination with the fascinator.  Hang on a minute - that's me in the background!  Basically, these photos are an amalgamation of my photos (including the ones I took on Louise's camera) and Louise's photos.

Graham and Lynne certainly seemed to be having a good time.

In the downtime, a magician came round to each table, stunning us with his tricks.  Lynne was absolutely gobsmacked that he managed to produce the 7 of spades that Lynne had her name written on earlier.

A picture of the impressively structured wedding cake, before it gets decimated.

As ever, it was the kids who strutted their stuff first, favouring the hardcore underground German techno that the DJ played rather too much of early on.

The sisters Schofield shared a giggle, as Paul smiled on warmly.

Before long, it was time for Sarah and Gareth to cut the cake.  Sarah couldn't quite get the knife through it so Gareth helped, whilst some guy bizarrely held up some sparkly things.  Dunno why, but it lends an air of special effects to the proceedings.

Other Paul was keen to show off his moves.  They're some moves, ain't they?


Time for the bride and groom to do the, well not quite the first dance, but one of the first dances...


I seemed to be experimenting with some trippy camera settings, but this one gives it an ethereal feel.

You wouldn't think, would you, that the bride and groom could be upstaged.  Well, guess again.

It all looks a bit serious here.  I do vaguely remember the senior Schofields being in a bit of a mood with each other for some part of the evening.  This may have been the wedding where I (deliberately) introduced Avis as Mavis (I was asked to prove my credentials as to who I knew, or something), which possibly wound her up a bit.  I left in the scary guy in the background, 'cos it's funny.

But, as has been the case for more than 30 years now, they soon made up and were dancing amicably.

Yup, it was getting a bit late.

Remember when I said that a normal looking photo of Lynne was relatively unusual.  Here, she tries to stare me out whilst using mind control techniques.  The message was either "get me a whisky and coke" or "stop taking bloody photos of me".  I couldn't figure out which.

Oh, bloody hell...

Party time!  It must have been a cracking track.

It was time, seemingly, for some serious conversation.  Boo serious conversation.

Oh my, will someone stop him.  Least he's having fun, I suppose.  (These last two have been taken by Louise.)

Lynne and Graham looked extremely bored.  Unlike Avis, however, who was entranced by the wizardry of bubble science.

Gareth was already having a dilemma.  Alcohol or wife.

It was rocking on the dance floor now, with everyone showing off their (default) moves.  Well, almost everyone.  Paul dreamt of being somewhere else.  Swimming in a lake on a November morning, perhaps.

As sure as night follows day, so tradition dictated a group can-can type thing.  How is it I am always photographing these and not partaking in them?  Maybe 'cos I want to, eh.  Had you thought about that?

I haven't mentioned this yet, but in fact our DJ for the evening was none other than Franny, the guy who does the half-time pitch-side stuff at Oldham Athletic's Boundary Park.  Go Franny!

It had been one hell of a day.  All too much for some people.  Sleep tight, Roly.

And there you have it.  All done.  Better late than never, eh?  Well, better earlier than later too, but we'll gloss over that one, shall we.

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