Gregory Simon Allen
Born Friday 11th April 2014
7 to 13 weeks old
His life: Birth ♠ Week 1 ♠ Weeks 2-3 ♠ Weeks 4-7 ♠ Weeks 8-13 ♠ Weeks 14-22 ♠ 5-7 months ♠ 7-8 months ♠ 1st Christmas ♠ 8-10 months ♠ 10-12 months ♠ 1st birthday party ♠ 12-15 months ♠ 15-18 months ♠ 18-21 months ♠ 21-24 months ♠ 2nd birthday ♠ 2-2½ years ♠ 2½-3 years ♠ 3rd birthday ♠ 3-3¼ years ♠ 3¼-3½ years ♠ 3½-3¾ years ♠ 3¾-4 years ♠ 4th birthday
In summary: Index ♠ From birth to four years old ♠ Four years old onwards
Special features: Gregory translator ♠ Gregory phrases ♠ Gregory cookery
The weekend after, at the end of May, Aunty Janet and Uncle Graham popped round for the first viewing of the young boy (as well as being given a good runaround by Daisy). AJ was the next in line to learn of his chilled out ways.
And we're up to the weekend just gone (end of May / early June).
One last photo to add before he reaches eight weeks: Gregory looking very casual on the changing mat while waiting for his bath. He had probably been in the baby bathing bucket for a short while now, as he was starting to get too big for the sink (it wasn't really giving him a proper soak).
Eight weeks old and he's smiling quite a lot now, particularly if he's not tired and you smile at him. He's very much a charmer.
That's not to say he can't stare you down. He can.
He still spends quite a lot of time in this chair, being very comfy. The usual items are present - bib, muslin and blanket. He's not sick as much these days but it does still come out occasionally.
Later that day, Aunty Katie was delighted to come round and spend time with her cuddly nephew. Gregory? He thought "meh".
Also present were Nana Sue and Jonathan (Uncle Matt was also present but not pictured). Jonathan entertained Daisy with his educated gibberish while Nana Sue got her share of Gregory cuddling in.
And it was back to his Aunty for a bit of a kip. It's always nice when people are falling over themselves to do their bit.
Katie even had a go at feeding Gregory some milk. This mission was successful.
With Lynne maybe out shopping, I employ superior parenthood. Put Gregory on the jungle mat; stick Daisy in front of large flatscreen. In truth, I would tell Daisy to stand further back than that - it's a bit close and I am conditioned to repeat the messages given to me by my parents - and (probably) to stop sucking her thumb (an absolutely futile act once she is tired, which can be a lot of the time).
This may or may not be Gregory's first what-I-like-to-call "selfie". (OK, it's not really a selfie.)
There's something about him thinking: "Mummy, have you washed this recently? It hums." Yes it does, Gregory, because you've no doubt dribbled or sicked up in it.
Earlier in the week, not long after Gregory had turned eight weeks, he was transferred to his room, the nursery, rebooted with boy colours. (Basically, we changed the curtains.) He spent the first few nights in the Moses basket within the cot, but that was soon dispensed with, thus illustrating just how small Gregory is in comparison with the cot. His excellent sleeping pattern continued. From maybe 6 weeks old (or even earlier), he was sleeping from 11pm to 7am (sometimes waking at 5am). We changed strategy slightly once he was in his own room, and he soon started sleeping from 9pm to 7am. We're very happy with this.
He's the little cheeky charmer smiling again. Always a twinkle in those eyes. Methinks he will go far on that alone. I don't think he has got this from his parents, though.
Once we had finally found the rest of the toys for the jungle mat (they were in the loft), Gregory took much interest in them, and was soon batting them around all over the place, nearly managing to grab on. He still seems more powered by his legs, though, quite often kicking the heck out of things, or swivelling round a little bit. At some point in the week prior, he managed to roll onto his side. He seems more active than his sister (was at that time).
Another close up on the jungle mat.
You've had quite a lot now and it's time for bed.
Right then, we're up to mid-June, which makes Gregory a shade over two months old. His interest in the toys hanging down on the jungle mat continue to take his interest.
Occasionally his big ("super") sister squeezes herself on to the mat for harassment / a photo opportunity.
He is yet to make any decent words out of his anagram bib, but he can sure give you an excited look.
Or just a big cheesy grin. Note the ingredients used to make him.
He's still pretty small in the grand scheme of things, but getting ever taller, with the change mat no longer quite big enough for him if he stretches out.
He can't yet sit up on his own, of course, but if I prop him carefully into the corner of the settee he can not fall over for anything up to a few minutes. Which is impressive by anyone's standards. There is also, you will note, some fist chewing going on. He's not yet tempted to suck his thumb a la Daisy.
This is the first time he has actually got a bib with hashtags on it. How very 2014 (the year in which it was added to the OED, lexicography fans). Meanwhile Gregory stares as if he has seen some kind of apparition, which he is threatening with his right hand. "You're going down, apparition." He's 11 weeks old here.
Some new features here, such as sticking out a tongue and giving the giraffe a well-deserved kick.
He had of course been in his cot for a month or so. Despite the sleeping bag he started to get mobile, rotating himself round at his whim. He wasn't happy in this shot, however. Never mind the photo opportunity, get my head off the cot edge, he was probably thinking.
Something seems to have piqued his interest. What could that be?
Ah yes, World Cup 2014! Here he admires the back of Howard Webb's head. Similar hairstyle I suppose is the reason.
While we wait for him to do lots of crazy things, you'll have to make do with photos of him looking like a cheeky chappy. Which, to be fair, he does exceedingly well.
This is a shot of him at his first Barlow-hosted Kids' Day, which he didn't altogether enjoy. Too much noise, too many people and too much perfume (I told him he had over-applied) I suspect. I say too much noise, but he clammed up when I stole the bluetooth speaker and rocked him back and forth for quite a while.
He has his own toys. Featured here, a stripe blue dog (probably).
And here he is with some weird-looking elephants.
And Daisy's old favourite, Raffy the giraffe!
This is a splendid pose, saying "oh my, what have I done?", perhaps in reaction to revealing his Mr Bump baby grow (nearly typed grow bag for a moment then, which I suppose they sort of are, just without the compost, although even that...). Mr Bump is of course Daisy's favourite Mr Men character, and someone that she has seemingly tried to emulate wherever possible. So Gregory's mock regret could be a reaction to that. Who knows, he's such a complex young boy.
And then he was three months. Before you know it, eh.
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