Gregory Simon Allen
Born Friday 11th April 2014
5th birthday
His life: 4 to 4¼ years ♠ 4¼ to 4½ years ♠ 4½ to 4¾ years ♠ 4¾ to 5 years ♠ 5th birthday ♠ 5 to 5½ years ♠ 5½ to 6 years ♠ 6th birthday ♠ 6 to 6½ years ♠ 6½ to 7 years ♠ 7th birthday ♠ 7 to 7½ years ♠ 7½ to 8 years ♠ 8th birthday ♠ 8 to 8½ years ♠ 8½ to 9 years ♠ 9th birthday
In summary: Index ♠ From birth to four years old ♠ Four years old onwards
Special features: Cricket journey
We start Gregory's birthday week (and it is always a week) on the Sunday before with a trip to Run Of The Mill. Gregory hadn't had the best of luck with parties up until now due to, for example, illness (chicken pox). In fact, I vaguely recall his preference for a birthday rather than a birthday party, even though I reassured him regularly that he could have both. Anyway, he's got his smart polo shirt on and everything.
We had booked an area for, seemingly, two-and-a-half hours of full-on fun.
Gregory's method of interacting with his friends was to shuffle into the corner of the sofa, with his best friend Dylan in the near view.
After the usual soft play chaos, it was time to line up for the birthday meal. They don't look like they are raring to go.
Little G couldn't really do the big throne justice, but I'm sure he held his own with the pizza and chips (and sandwiches and beige stuff and veg sticks).
The birthday boy was tucking in nicely.
When we got back, we thought it was fair enough if wanted to open his presents, even if it was four days before his birthday. He had quite the selection to get through.
Gregory was only too happy to pose for my long-held tradition of showing all the presents open. Vehicles featured
We jump forwards to the big day and Spiderboy is embracing the opportunity to move into the presents room. It's not yet 7am, sleep fans.
The usual spread of presents and "up" balloons are located in the familiar place and Gregory wasted no time in getting stuck in, although he has gone for one of the cards (albeit that will be useful in telling him who got him the present it was attached to).
Daisy looks on as Gregory discovers it is birthday adventure time! She is probably trying to contain her jealousy, even though she had her birthday five weeks prior.
The dutiful son again does his thing. Most notable amongst the presents is the cleaning kit. This was purchased for him because he had shown keenness to help around the house and one of his ambitions was to be a servant (the other being a Formula One driver, more or less the other end of the spectrum). Looking back now, in early 2022, he is no longer the keen and conscientious helper he once was but, in short, he discovered video games and YouTube and all bets are now off.
It is not yet reached 8am, yet Gregory is dressed (OK, his hair may need a brush), having opened his presents and (probably) had some breakfast. His next birthday wish was to play some Nintendo Wii action. He seems a bit bothered by me taking a photo, though.
So we're playing one of the classics: Super Mario Bros Wii. We're going three player so Daisy will be taking part.
I had taken the Thursday off work, naturally, and so we went to Dunham Massey for the day...
...home of a spurty fountain on an island.
Here lieth some sorry looking tree bits. We'll have some shots of the kids at some point, I promise.
Oh there we go. You can just about see them disappearing into the distance on their scooters.
It was so exhausting to get just this far that it was time for a sit down and a snack.
"I'll sort this out" muttered Gregory, as he headed off to the grand house.
He did at least stop to pose for a photo, in front of the statue of a gentleman carrying a sundial on his head with a leaf skirt.
A photo of another house, just because.
Finally, we have him where we want him: trapped in a tree trunk. Surely he cannot escape.
One activity to do whilst here was a Percy the Park Keeper-related adventure, called "One Springy Day".
It involved finding lots of these things of things - a woodland animal (friend of Percy's), some sort of rhyme or description and a stamp to collect. Gregory seems keen to tell me what is happening.
And here is him getting a stamp (of the physical indentation variety).
And on we wander. Gregory seems a little uncertain.
Reminiscent of the Beatles' Abbey Road album cover, the intrepid explorers navigate a narrow passageway across the water. After having snapped this, I would of course have to follow them.
A pleasant big, fancy building plus well-mown grass and coiffured hedges shot.
With the end in sight, the kids gather pace and skip off into the distance.
Their reward for getting all the stamps? A chocolate egg! Not bad, eh?
Sweet treats obtained, it was time to scoot out of there...
...and have some lunch (before they could tuck into those choccie eggs). Gregory had brought this book - a birthday present - with him to enjoy during luncheon.
A classic lunch box combo - sandwich, crisps, drinks carton, yoghurt. He gets stuck in. (Not sure why I am taking so many pictures of his meal but I suppose it is his birthday.)
Here we go: time for the good stuff.
Satiated, it's time for some more adventures, this time of the death-defying variety. How high is Gregory off the floor? Probably about two feet.
Here is a less scary-looking angle.
The collections of curved branches and trunks make for a good den. Daisy seems keen to stay there for a while as Gregory tries to find a way in.
Ah there we go. He's in!
Another Gregory-on-a-scooter action shot for no reason in particular (other than this page is about him and his birthday activities).
Not sure if anyone lives here.
Or, um, here.
The day's weather had turned out very find indeed (presumably still a little bit fresh given it is April) and that led to some very picturesque photo opportunities.
After all the fun of the day, Gregory made a few friends, including Percy the Park Keeper himself.
Back home, it was time to try another of his presents, back in the days when he still liked Lego.
Gregory's choice for tea was Pizza Hut, unsurprising given his love for pizza, although he looks to have indulged here with the salad bar (cucumbers and sweetcorn evidently being his go-to items). The Carphone Warehouse in the background adds to the setting's glamour.
Now this is what we're talking about: pizza time. Gregory seems to somewhat objecting to my (admittedly incessant) taking of photos. He should maybe concentrate on his margherita pizza instead.
Glossing over the grammatical error at the top, we'll focus on the nice messaging and excellent artwork from his big sister.
At the weekend, it was time for the next wave of birthday fun. Batman, er, I mean, Gregory, was certainly looking enthusiastic about proceedings.
Dressed up for the party, he posed by leaning on an enormous present, ignoring Aunty Janet (aka AJ) in the background).
And this is what it is: a fancy new three-wheel (kick) scooter, which he still uses occasionally now (now being winter 2022 - yes, I am that far behind).
Meanwhile, there were other presents to open, as Nana Sue, Lynne and Daisy all looked on (as did probably the rest of the room).
Here are his presents received today, to add to the massive collection of things. Most notable are the dust pan & brush, plus duster, identifying his then-penchant for cleaning. That has long since been abandoned.
For luncheon, for which we also have Jonathan, Aunty Katie and Uncle Graham (UG) in shot, it looks like I have gone for Mac Cheese with a crispy breadcrumb topping, accompanied by garlic bread and salad.
Oh and let's not forget a gigantic chocolate birthday cake that Gregory seems to be attempting to eat in one mouthful. All washed down with some Louis Delaney champagne.
We have, I hope, moved on from dining, given the colour of this. It appears to be one of those bizarre things where you have to dissolve the outer casing of a toy. Or something like that. He's enjoying it, though, which is of course the main thing.
Later that day, to finish the birthday week proceedings, Avis & Graham came down to stay for a few days. Before Avis had even had chance to take her coat off, she was fishing out presents for Gregory (and something for Daisy too given she is opening something).
Gregory does seem to need a bit of help, but Avis is happy to provide it.
And that's all for The Boy's 5th birthday. Head to the next page or go back to the Secret Portal.