Gregory Simon Allen
Born Friday 11th April 2014
2 to 2½ years old
His life: Birth ♠ Week 1 ♠ Weeks 2-3 ♠ Weeks 4-7 ♠ Weeks 8-13 ♠ Weeks 14-22 ♠ 5-7 months ♠ 7-8 months ♠ 1st Christmas ♠ 8-10 months ♠ 10-12 months ♠ 1st birthday party ♠ 12-15 months ♠ 15-18 months ♠ 18-21 months ♠ 21-24 months ♠ 2nd birthday ♠ 2-2½ years ♠ 2½-3 years ♠ 3rd birthday ♠ 3-3¼ years ♠ 3¼-3½ years ♠ 3½-3¾ years ♠ 3¾-4 years ♠ 4th birthday
In summary: Index ♠ From birth to four years old ♠ Four years old onwards
Special features: Gregory translator ♠ Gregory phrases ♠ Gregory cookery
We begin this chapter with Gregory engaging in one of his favourite activities: constructing a jigsaw. (It's between that and playing with cars, usually lining them up in an almost endless traffic jam.)
It looks in this photo, with Charlotte in the background on the left, that Gregory has accepted spending the day in the harness.
While Daisy went bowling with friends during the Easter school holidays, Gregory and Lynne had an Italian lunch.
At the weekend, Gregory had some work to catch up on so asked to borrow my laptop for "typing". Mostly he typed the letters 'n' and 'b'.
Later that day, on the post-tea wind down to bedtime, Gregory had probably asked his mum to watch something on her phone.
Ah in actual fact, we were just waiting for Aunty Katie and Uncle Matt to turn up for an Allens games night. We laid on some tea for everyone, including mini Magnums, which Gregory is tucking into with some gusto here. The can of Strongbow that you can just see is not his, for the record.
Uncle Matt and his nephew chilling while watching TV before the games commenced.
Well, you can use your birthday presents as football goals or a way of pulling funny faces. It's evident which one the children prefer.
Here is a good example of the two of us going for a walk whatever the weather. It's hard to tell here but it's actually been hailing. Nothing stops us. Certainly not when his lordship demands it.
He's pretty good at feeding himself - and very determined to do so - and he's usually good entertainment to watch, as this photo testifies.
A comedy moment in the local Tesco superstore that had me giggling. We had done most of the shopping when we started to head back from the far side when we came into earshot of a stereo that was playing music at that end of the supermarket. In particular, the N-Trance remix of The Bee Gees' Staying Alive got Gregory grooving, as you can see here. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately for comedy fans, Gregory chose the wide thoroughfare going through the whole store in which to carry out his performance, refusing to move until the song had finished (and I had to whisk him away quickly before the next song kicked in). I simply had to stand, a little distance away, suitably tickled.
I don't know what he's done here but he looks very mischievous. Like he's plotting something.
When all you want for your lunch (for which we'd all congregated somewhere near Oldham for the celebration of Uncle Matt's 37th birthday) is bread, bread and more bread. And your hair just won't behave.
It's time to say an emotional and satiated goodbye from the car park. It's sunny but blowy.
Partners in crime and suitably behind bars. Not sure if I lifted Daisy into here or she hurdled over (I strongly suspect the former), but evidently she wanted to provide some moral support for a very red-cheeked young Gregory.
After the hair attack of the birthday lunch it's not that surprising to see that it's been chopped off.
Vested up in the morning and seemingly forlornly looking at the TV. Perhaps he was wishing he was on Paw Patrol or something.
Later that day, he was very much less forlorn as he enjoyed constructing a mega castle with me.
The best brother in the world leaves a trail of water everywhere as he waters the blueberry plants.
On reflection, Lynne isn't happy with the effort that the barber made of Gregory's hair.
Here we have a young model showcasing the latest Oldham Athletic football kit. I say "latest" but keen-eyed observers who are regular readers of this website, and indeed have a good memory on top, will no doubt recall that this was in fact a present from Uncle Matt to Daisy some years ago. Thankfully, Gregory is unaware of the hand-me-down nature of this sporting outfit, not to mention the predicament of the current League One team (I use the word "current" deliberately because, as I write this on the last day of 2016, their existence in that division appears somewhat precarious given that they are propping up the rest and are seemingly unable to score or win with any regularity or conviction).
If Gregory keeps up with these skills he may well get a game for Oldham at this rate. Might want to lose the pink Frozen ball at training.
More will appear here soon.
We bounce straight back with some trampoline action as Gregory almost appears to be defying gravity.
Later that day, we're joined by Daisy in complete pink combo (including summer hat) for the purposes of some slide action. Gregory attempts to display a casual "I'm just chilling here" look but Daisy looks keen to have a go herself.
Eventually he decides to move things along, although his short descent seems somewhat cagey.
After all that hard work, it's time for some icy refreshments.
The warm weather of early May continues into the next day leading to a build-up of an inability to say 'no' to the paddling pool. Gregory's chief role is that of pool-filler.
I know not of what this was about - they appear to be bracing themselves, but it was hardly like they were aboard the rolling deck of ship in a stormy sea, so I'm going to guess at splashing.
I don't know what prompted this photo by the mirror but they certainly represent their respective roles here, with Daisy the doting big sister and Gregory the unassuming young brother.
As the Allens gathered at ours ahead of my birthday curry, Gregory shows off his basketball skills to Aunty Katie (not pictured, and also the purchaser of the basketball stand).
At the Heaton Tandoori, Gregory tucks into the rice with gusto, seemingly (and unsurprisingly) getting it everywhere, while Uncle Matt looks on, no doubt aching to lend a hand.
The mossy forgotten bit of the vegetable patch is memorable only for the rhubarb that produces a regular harvests each spring and summer. Having watching me lop off some rhubarb stalks, Gregory busies himself with buckets...
...and then a week later puts his mind to watering the plants.
Later that morning, something has tickled Gregory.
Well in the afternoon of the same day, we appear to have Gregory wearing completely different clothes, as he eyeballs me whilst opening a Kinder chocolate egg, one of his favourite treats (and, of course, three things in one).
"How would I describe myself? Pouty and fringy."
We're still in sunny May and enjoying sandwiches al fresco, rather upright on a fetching pink deckchair.
Our brave Cookie Monster explorer, about to venture deep into the lavender forest.
And we move into June with the little youngsters enjoying breakfast on the big table in the lounge. It looks like there might be a little bagel action going on.
Another sunny day prompting paddling pool action filled of course by an already bedraggled Gregory.
He actually looks quite angry with me in this shot, like he's coming to sort me out.
And, when the weather is nice, why not have soup outside in your grunts. Daisy is perhaps more appropriately dressed, and even has an apron to prevent tomato soup splashing, which is also no doubt the reason Gregory has remained topless.
Never mind filling the pool, it's time I soaked my sister.
We then set up the sprinkler for some running round the garden getting covered in cold water antics.
Cheeky chappy pokes head in window.
Pouring water into water just never gets old.
Skipping forward to the end of June, after a family holiday in Center Parcs in Nottingham and my cycling excursion to the Alps, and it's time to harvest some raspberries, which Gregory immediately devours.
As Lynne and I prepared to fly to Italy for Jessica's wedding in Lake Como, the grandparents were round for babysitting duties.
A close-up of the fringe-laden lovable rascal.
It's a bit early to be working on your first novel, but the sooner you start the sooner you finish.
This was Lynne's birthday and I was working from home, which gave me the flexibility to take Daisy to school. I took Gregory with me and here he is enjoying the playground facilities.
On the Saturday, we had been invited to Aunty Judy and Uncle Jim's for a BBQ, although unfortunately the weather was not compliant and instead the back-up plan in operation: an indoor buffet. Gregory happily points out numbers to Aunty Judy with Jake watching on.
Gregory likes a bit of rough and tumble. Here he gets carted around by Uncle Jim.
Nana Sue is saying "he was here a minute ago".
The rain did cease for long enough to enjoy some fresh air. It was Jonathan and Gregory's turn to look after the baby dolls.
When it was time to go, Gregory was generous with the goodbyes, giving Lily a big hug.
"Daddy, I just want you to know that I am the coolest dude that you know."
On the Sunday of Lynne's birthday weekend, we headed over to the Foodies' Festival at Tatton Park. As you can see, there was a well-trodden path but as yet it wasn't too busy (we had arrived fairly early).
There was plenty of entertainment for the children, including this trampoline...
...and this bouncy castle complex, although I seem to remember Gregory not liking this at all.
A trip to the park and Daisy bumped into someone she knew. Gregory, meanwhile, looked bored out of his skin to be involved in this conversation.
At the end of July, the greenhouse crops were beginning to fruit. Gregory helpfully points out a cucumber...
...and some yet-to-ripen tomatoes.
Curiously, Gregory much prefers to take his vehicles for a walk rather than to actually ride them.
After a holiday to Paignton in early August, we were back home and playing basketball in the back garden. He shoots... he scores!
Gregory's drawing is getting more skilled.
Sometimes the way a child's mind works surprises you. I certainly did not think of inserting these chive flowers into the bigger, er, flowers.
Following a long bank holiday weekend in Haddington, the first Saturday in September saw a trip to Rob's for a BBQ. Well, we are assured there was one, but we didn't actually stick around for the food since the charcoal was not playing ball (and all manner of items were being thrown in there in a bid for some semi-permanent cooking heat). In the meantime, after the rain had stopped, Gregory and Daisy tried to entice the local cat, perhaps with a golf ball.
In early September, we dug up a decent crop of potatoes from the vegetable patch, something which Gregory was certainly very happy with.
A week or so later and I had the unenvious task of taking Gregory for a haircut (at Tony's, which you can see in the background and which had very recently been taken over by a new owner, who wasn't called Tony). It was a traumatic affair. I got my haircut first whilst Gregory watched Peppa Pig on my phone. He was, however, not so keen on getting his cut and I had to resort to having him sit on my knee and, for the first few minutes, I had to put him in some kind of lock given the danger of wriggling too much with sharp scissors around. Eventually he calmed down and became distracted by Peppa Pig as I got covered in his hair. The barber was not so keen on taking too much off and so he ended up with somewhat of a Paul Weller style hair cut - a sharp fringe but still with some hair flicking over the ears. I haven't, at the time of writing, been back with Gregory (Lynne has resumed full hair chopping duties), which I am sure is not a reflection of the haircut shown below. He got a choccie treat anyway, which he munches in this picture.
Later that morning and Gregory demonstrates how pleased he is to be engaging in jigsaw action.
Now, it's not a common occurrence for them to eat without tops on, but it's certainly more common when tomato soup is being consumed given the staining potential it possesses.
As Gregory's construction skills improve with time, he produced this from the Duplo collection.
Between the rosemary and sage, Gregory gives me a wave in the autumnal sunshine. Whilst he is in the same Cookie Monster T-shirt as the one a few shots above, this is in fact the weekend after. It's just a coincidence, ok? Or it's reaching the end of its life and we're getting the use out of it.
After the first wave of hanging basket flowers had died off, Gregory and I made the executive decision to plant some more (and I'm pleased to say that, four months later in mid-January, they are still going).
I'm not entirely sure what this pyjama-clad, mad-haired young blondie had drawn but it's a bit more sophisticated than scribbles and circles.
Another week passes and Gregory has put together, with the encouragement and perhaps assistance of Nana Sue, an epic spiral traffic jam.
And we finish with another construction, of large, coloured beads, which is mostly remarkable for its gravity-defying nature.
And that's it for this phase. He's now reached the big two-and-a-half. He's grown up quite a lot over the last six months. His language had evolved significantly, with sentences and everything. He still has elements of his own language, although he doesn't have quite as many bizarre words as Daisy had at the same age, but like Daisy he is gradually replacing those with the actual words. In a way, it's a shame, but it does make him easier to understand. I will, in time, set up the common words and phrases page.
Click here for the next phase or you can head back to the Secret Portal.