Gregory Simon Allen
Born Friday 11th April 2014
18 to 21 months old
His life: Birth ♠ Week 1 ♠ Weeks 2-3 ♠ Weeks 4-7 ♠ Weeks 8-13 ♠ Weeks 14-22 ♠ 5-7 months ♠ 7-8 months ♠ 1st Christmas ♠ 8-10 months ♠ 10-12 months ♠ 1st birthday party ♠ 12-15 months ♠ 15-18 months ♠ 18-21 months ♠ 21-24 months ♠ 2nd birthday ♠ 2-2½ years ♠ 2½-3 years ♠ 3rd birthday ♠ 3-3¼ years ♠ 3¼-3½ years ♠ 3½-3¾ years ♠ 3¾-4 years ♠ 4th birthday
In summary: Index ♠ From birth to four years old ♠ Four years old onwards
Special features: Gregory translator ♠ Gregory phrases ♠ Gregory cookery
As Gregory moves into the second half of his second year, I managed to catch him mid-sneeze as Daisy scored a handful of spins on the Wii Fit.
This does feature on Daisy's pages, but its worth including here to show Gregory's drawing ability. This board is perfect for enabling drawing at their respective heights.
Gregory's independence was rendered complete by his acquisition of a car. And it's a very happy car.
On Hallowe'en, we headed over to see the Allen witches and engaged in the usual spell of chill-out TV watching. Whilst Daisy has adopted her usual thumb-sucking, hair-twirling pose, Gregory's much more freestyle.
I am struggling to believe what I am seeing here, which is Gregory munching on a chocolate ice-cream WHILST IN MY MUM'S LOUNGE. I wasn't allowed to sit on the new sofas not that long ago. But a one-year old eating chocolate in a beige and cream room. That's fine. He's in a high chair, at least.
Here he is slumped on my belly, in a photo taken by his Aunty Katie.
Snuggling in with Nana watching a tablet intently like it's the most natural thing.
A few discreet calls to his mates and he'd organised a lads' night in, so time to get the drinks out of the pantry.
Gregory has a habit of appearing at his sister's side for photo shoots. Here is looking sneaky and cheeky in equal measure, alongside Daisy's gleeful coolness.
Early November and the leaves were winning. Here we are in a sea of leaves, with Gregory in his all-in-one suit and wellies. Have you seen all the leaves?
But he's a hard-working soul and he soon had the paths cleared.
Did I say that the little monkey liked to photobomb? Here he is again as Daisy prepares to go into school in a onesie. I don't recall why. (I could probably find out by checking Daisy's pages, but I'll leave that surprise to you.)
This is Gregory watching Mr Tumble, imitating the bit where he asks viewers to touch their nose.
Later that morning (we're clearly having a lazy morning in pyjamas) and Gregory is having some breakfast and cuddling his favourite toy, Elmo. (A few months later and he was referring to him as "Elma".)
Hang on, this is lunchtime and he is still in his pyjamas. What on earth is going on? Not much, probably, which is why he's still in his pyjamas. Lining cars up as usual.
Well we finally get him dressed and out of the house, to Jude Jones' 4th birthday party. He looks pretty matter of fact whilst at the table having a bit of a draw...
...and posing on the stairs with Daisy and a random girl.
It took me a little while to realise that Daisy must have taken this one. Gregory is again looking smart as we had been to Waterdale Close for Katie's birthday buffet.
The following weekend, Gregory is getting increasingly into puzzles, albeit getting less into his pyjama trousers, it seems.
Ah, that guilty look that says "yes, Daddy, I caused this mess". We put the ball pool away not too long after this had happened for the umpteenth time. I can't count the number of times I put all the balls back in the ball pool. Oh no, sorry, I can. It was umpteen.
Sometimes order does prevail, as this line leading up to the oval train track shows.
Despite its shortcomings, the ball pool is always good for a mildly amusing photo.
Here he has impressively put the cars in the shape of a mirrored question mark, or a hook.
"Daddy, I appear to have got lots of food all over my face, please can you clean it?" this look says to me.
Fun and frolics in the bath.
Gregory was showing increasing shape recognition, here mastering the number puzzle of which Daisy was so fond.
Upon seeing that a tired Daisy had adopted a lying-down-to-watch-TV pose, Gregory thought "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". Maybe it will catch on.
Well hello, it's Gregory's second Christmas. He has somewhat of a menace in his eyes. Dare we turn our backs with him near the Christmas tree? He actually wasn't too bad and in any case we had put all the breakable items high enough to be out of his reach.
We're now at the end of December. Gregory munches on some grape halves, although increasingly he doesn't like them like this because Daisy doesn't have them like that. Still, he likes his fruit, which is good.
Gregory poises to spring up and put the finishing touches to this Mega Blok tower. Okay okay, I did this. Happy now?
Absolutely one of Gregory's favourite activities of the winter was to go for a walk along the streets of Heaton Chapel. He would point to the front door and express his desire (not in anything intelligible, of course), or simply just fetch his shoes. In order to give him some fresh air and exercise (nothing wrong with tiring him out too), I often relented and took him for an aimless walk. He had very good stamina, though.
For one walk, I worked out that he had walked around one and a half miles, which is very impressive for a young boy not even two. He had a habit of stopping at every grid and generally dawdling a bit, so such walks could take the best part of an hour. Less welcome were the situations where he gave up wanted to walk and I had to carry him home.
Another Mega Blok mega structure, this time more of a collaborative effort.
Switching construction block formats (it's all a bit confusing), Gregory got a few Duplo packs for Christmas. Of course, they featured vehicles - he just can't get enough.
Sitting at the big table on a big chair doing big boy colouring.
Usually I give Gregory his milk and read him his stories, but sometimes I don't make it back in time and sometimes, well, a mother likes to spend some quality time with his son. This is one of those times.
Gregory appears to be trying to ride his big dog as Lynne watches in the background.
Once again, Gregory's keenness for organising things comes to the fore, with the Playdoh tubs in the kitchen. He also revels in being able to put things away too, being far more willing to do so than Daisy, who thinks it is a chore.
One of Gregory's presents from Aunty Katie was a huge basketball stand, which you can see here. It's probably for children a bit older (and indeed taller) than Gregory, but you can always grow into such things. At this point, the only way to enable him to score some hoops was to cheat and put Gregory on a raised platform.
And we finish, in early 2016, with one of Gregory's new favourite things - messing with the small stones in the greenhouse.
And that's that. Let's move on to an older Gregory. Back to the Secret Portal.