Gregory Simon Allen

Born Friday 11th April 2014

1st birthday

His life:  Birth Week 1 Weeks 2-3 Weeks 4-7 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 14-22 5-7 months 7-8 months 1st Christmas 8-10 months 10-12 months 1st birthday party 12-15 months 15-18 months 18-21 months 21-24 months 2nd birthday 2-2½ years 2½-3 years 3rd birthday 3-3¼ years 3¼-3½ years 3½-3¾ years 3¾-4 years 4th birthday

In summary:  Index From birth to four years old Four years old onwards

Special features:  Gregory translator Gregory phrases Gregory cookery

On the evening of Friday 10th April 2015, three hundred and sixty-four days after Gregory was born, the Schofields and Rowllings descended on Heaton Chapel and, on the decree of Louse, it was chippy night (the main reason being that Paul was yet to join us).  With us being in a celebratory mood, we of course chippied in style, as you can see from the picture below which shows my pie, chips and gravy accompanied by a glass of champagne.

On the morning of the big day, there was a very solid if unspectacular array of presents awaiting Gregory when he headed (i.e. was carried) downstairs.  Either way, he was too young to appreciate it...

...and, whether he liked it or not, his big sister Daisy enlisted herself as assistant (by which I mean dominant) present opener.

Young Becky had made the journey down, of course, and showed off her new-found drawing skills.

Daisy, meanwhile, busied herself with keeping her Granddad's eyes open...

...and then posing sweetly on the arm of the sofa.

As we had done for Daisy's 1st birthday, we were hosting a party (although reining in the invites a little, sticking largely to family), similarly relying on outside catering to ease the burden and concentrate on the partying.  By this time (just before 1pm), the caterer had arrived with boxes galore...

...although young G-man was still in his nightwear, having had a morning sleep (being driven, I think, to the local Mecca that is Boundary Park and back by Granddad Graham) to keep him both in good spirits and out of the way (Gregory this is, although it could apply to both, I suppose).

With there being less than sufficient room to swing a moderate-sized cat in the cake-and-beverage-laden kitchen, Gregory was afforded a rare treat of eating in the lounge.  Sense dictated that this was before he donned his birthday gear.

The Allens were keen to arrive a little ahead of time and given Kate's propensity and skill in entertaining Daisy, there was no harm in that.

In some excellent tag team action, Nana Sue takes hold of Gregory.

With the main guests due imminently, the impressive spread had been laid out...

...which sparked off a flurry of close-up photos before the savages ravaged it.  In this shot, some cupcakes shot through with blue colouring.

A very smooth-looking, definitely-for-a-boy, birthday cake.

As is my wont, I also took pictures of those taking pictures, in this case Louise getting some arty shots...

...such as this of the macarons (I actually prefer macaroons, but each to their own)...

...and this of the sandwiches.

There was a gloriously retro style to the catering today, which featured a plethora of china for tea-making and some home-made lemonade, which our glamorous assistant Mark Barlow can be seen decanting for personal consumption.

The bearded wonder (other Paul) had arrived from way up yonder, to the general disinterest of Gregory, unfortunately.

Nana Sue seems faintly surprised by something while Aunty Katie and Daisy have a good chinwag.

Mark continues to sup on his lemonade, accompanied by the Jonathan, acting like the guv'nor but not as mean-looking as perhaps he thinks.

Paul and Avis catch up over non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages respectively.  They really should be at the buffet, though.

The blue-eyed blondies, Lynne and Gregory, pose for the camera.  (These last two photos were taken by Louise, lest you think I am taking credit for all of these.)

Abby and Lily enjoy a bit of reading time.

Toothy young Gregory goes crazy for a bit of balloon action whilst perched on Nana Sue's lap.

Blessed as we were with dry weather, Daisy's birthday trampoline became a good source of distraction for the juniors at the party.  Sarah had made the journey by herself with her three youngsters, of which these are two.

Aunty Jill is very pleased to have hold of the little monkey, but Gregory does not seem quite so enamoured.

A chubby-looking (although I think that's just the outfit; he's actually quite skinny apart from his cheeks) does seem to to be enjoying himself, this time on a little Thomas the Tank Engine car.

That's not to say that his big sister Daisy isn't loving the attention... and the brightly-coloured, sugary snacks.

Gregory's latest vehicle appears to have commandeered.  I can't imagine that Gregory was that bothered, though.

Once the caterer had put out all the food and crockery, there was a bit more room in the kitchen for some good old-fashioned gassing between Lynne, Jill, Avis and Louise.

Whilst perhaps not bothered about losing his car, Gregory does seem, as much as you can tell from the back of his head, a little wistful about the fact that fun stuff seems to be happening outside.

The trampoline grows ever more popular but still no incidents to report.  The tall netting should stop anyone jumping out of there anyway.

We don't play croquet often in our garden, in fact almost never, but this is one of those times.  Be careful who you give one of those mallets to.

"If you let me out in the back garden, I promise I will be good," Gregory appears to be saying.

Becky's glee at having a croquet ball and mallet is probably matched only by the fear etched on the faces of those who have quickly vacated the lawn.  (These last few were taken by Louise.)

It was about time that the birthday boy was given free rein.  Well not that free as he would probably have just crawled into the flower bed or something like that.

Daisy and Evie join in on the trampolining fun.

Here's a glimpse of our alcohol stash in the outdoor store cupboard.  We misjudged things slightly and there would be much left over.  Which is not a bad place to be.

It was nearly time for a champagne toast.  Alas, there are no shots of me actually doing my very brief speech.  Or indeed at all.  I was there, though.

Unfortunately the best photo of the three of them is out of focus, so here is another.  Gregory, who in the previous shot looked like he was having a big of a swing now looks to be tired; in fact, they both do.

Talking of tired, Daisy sucking her thumb is usually a pretty good sign that she is running out of steam.  Gregory appears to have perked up again, though.  This will partly be due to the excitement of sitting on the sofa, such is life at that age.

But more exciting than sitting on the sofa is messing around with a walkie talkie.

I don't recall there being a disco but this shot almost makes me think there was one.  In fact, it was just some assisted walking, which Gregory was slowly getting the hang of and very much enjoying.

I mentioned earlier about the blue-coloured sugary snacks and here is the evidence.  Becky points at Louise as if to say "I got this sweet tooth off you; this is your fault".

Young master Roberts summons up all the boy-ish charm that he can for his Aunty Louise.

As the evening came around, the girls gathered round for presumably what is some tablet or phone action...

...meanwhile the boys snuggled in too.

The next day, Gregory opened (or rather watched be opened) his remaining presents, gifts from the generous guests at the party the day before.

Just as Daisy had some daffodils, so Gregory had some blue, er, flowers, a present from Avis and Graham.

And then he was into his second year!

    Or go back to the Secret Portal.