8 Denby Lane

Heaton Chapel

empty house (2009)moving in (2009)winter (2009)furnished (2010)gardening (2010)decorating (2010) decorating (2010 to 2014) gardening (2011 & 2012) landscaping (2012 & 2013) gardening (2013 & 2014)

Decorating (2010, cont'd)

Continuing from here, another task was installing a window, since he used to get quite clammy in there and the extractor fan just didn't cut it.

In goes the base of the shower, and the tiles are started.

Decorating (2011)

Fast forward three months (it took me a while to take the photos, so strictly this isn't decorating in 2011, it's just when the photos were taken) and here's what the shower looks like.

A completely new suite, with brand new window.  Looking clean!

And here is the shot from outside for comparison with earlier.

And the main bedroom - we're looking at the wall that the fitted wardrobe used to be against.  Some change, huh?  Note again, the feature wall method.  This is becoming a feature in itself.

On the other side of the room, the triple wardrobe from our City South flat could finally move in from the landing, back-breakingly moved by Matt and me.  Lynne couldn't resist adding a slightly soppy touch...

And last, but definitely not least, we have the nursery, with the cot supplied kindly by Nana Sue, and a changing table with drawers.  (Feature wall alert!)

On the other side, we have a chest of drawers and wardrobe.  This whole set is from Marks & Spencer.  On the right, the iCandy Cherry pram and nursing chair (kindly provided by Aunty Louise - we're so lucky).

And that's that.  It will be the last bit of decoration that we do for a while.  A special mention should go out to my cousin (in law?), Simon Gibbon, who was commissioned to paint the three bedrooms from top to bottom and did a superb job.  I would definitely recommend him to a friend.

Decorating (2012)

We actually did no decorating in 2012, just landscaping.

Decorating (2013)


Decorating (2014)


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