born Sunday 6th March 2011
four years old to nine years old
(from the Secret Portal)
Era |
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What was she doing? |
Selected highlights |
(March to June 2015) |
Destroying Antarctica Wearing my boxer shorts Playing the cupcake game Playing jogging on the Wii Fit Enjoying an Easter egg hunt Playing on her latest tablet (Hudl 2) Dressing as an animal at Eureka Scootering Wearing a thumbsie |
"This photo... is notable mostly because Daisy is wearing a pair of my boxer shorts... I'm powerless to stop this sort of thing whilst at work (and in reality when I'm at home)." "Daisy was keen to impose her strict game rules on Uncle Matt and Aunty Katie."
she can't quite jog on the spot and ends up gravitating towards the TV,
requiring a geographical reset every so often." |
(June to September 2015) |
Pom-pom dancing with the diddi dance crew at the Four Heatons Festival Getting stuck at the top of the climbing wall Leaping into the paddling and ball pools Reacquainting herself with Golden Bear Having a sleepover at Nana Sue's Performing in a dance show Hosing down the car Making (yet more) fairy cakes Starting reception at Broadstone Hall school |
"Daisy is ready for her next innings whilst Gregory has dutifully donned his whites." "Daisy had managed to climb all the way up this climbing wall but was unable to get down." "This would be her room for the night, although in the end I think Aunty Katie had to "sleep" next to her for much of the night." "One of Daisy's favourite pastimes during these months is to hurtle across the hallway, leg it into the lounge and leap into the ball pool... Really, though, with Daisy's health and safety record, it's not something we encourage." "Daisy and Lily took a brief break from eating cake to check out Uncle Matt's pictures, although Matt looks a bit shifty in this one." |
(September to December 2015) |
Bring Oscar the monkey home from school Tackling the park's obstacle course Riding a bike (with stabilisers) Playing hockey at school Getting a Writing Certificate Doing Mathletics and Reading Eggs Saying hello to her new cousin Jessica Going to the Poynton fireworks display Feeding Gregory at teatime Having a onesie day at school Having a variety of creatures put on her arm |
"Daisy was very pleased to receive Oscar from school. It sort of rotates round the class pupils, linked each time to a particular piece of good behaviour." "A trip to the park means Daisy on the obstacle course, some elements of which suit her (like this one) more than others." "Daisy has, at this point, just learned to pedal back and forth along the back patio. " "Daisy was very chuffed one morning when I made her a fruit salad for breakfast." "Daisy brought home this writing certificate from school, showing that she was developing well, for the cryptic sounding "excellent sound talk to write words"." "Here is a picture of Daisy playing on Mathletics (I say "playing", but I mean "learning")." |
(December 2015 to March 2016) |
Helping put up the Christmas tree Wearing the golden sweatshirt Starring as Mary in the school nativity play Having curry on New Year's Eve Spelling her name in the snow Making pizzas from scratch Playing football with Gregory Making pasta from scratch Having a picnic in the lounge Turning the kitchen into a painting studio |
"No sooner than she has turned the magical four and three quarters and we are putting up the Christmas tree... Growing in stature, Daisy was trusted with hanging up any of the non-breakable objects." "Daisy is happily wearing the golden sweatshirt, earned by being good that week." "A week or so later and I took the afternoon off work to see Daisy starring as Mary in her school nativity play." "After Aunty Katie vomited mini Connect 4 pieces everywhere, Daisy tries an ancient recovery technique of crawling on her back and posing for the camera." |
(March 2016) |
Having a party at the Bizzy Kids café Having her face painted Decorating birthday fairy cakes Devouring a birthday tea at Frankie & Benny's Sharing her birthday with Mother's Day Openings lots and lots of presents Managing to still fit into the pram |
"Daisy's birthday week began a full seven days before her birthday." "Either Daisy had had somewhat of a shock or the Bizzy Kids person had painted her face white." "Here were Daisy's concoctions - seemingly chasing a theme of 70s disco faces." "A rabbit painted onto Daisy's other cheek seemed to have the effect of making Daisy very serious." "Daisy was delighted by, and delightfully covered in, her spaghetti in tomato sauce." "Dessert saw a special treat of ice cream with lots of different add-ins, much to Daisy's impish delight." "Princess Daisy was part-delighted, part-deranged by the quantity of pink and purple and presents on offer." |
(March to September 2016) |
Beginning to write prolifically Making an Easter bonnet Finding eggs at the Chestnut Centre Visiting the Roahl Dahl-themed Tatton Park Becoming Denby Lane's safety officer Making strawberry and rhubarb crumble Jumping into the paddling pool Making a cous cous salad at the Foodies' festival Finishing Reception year at Broadstone Having her first tooth out |
"We start Daisy's sixth year with a wonderful piece of prose, which she was wont to do as she was showing an increasing fondness for writing." "Gregory's actual birthday was on the Monday and naturally Daisy was extremely keen to help him with the present opening, sharing in his joy of discovery, or even enjoying it more." "Probably the first BBQ of the year and fire safety officer Daisy Allen (gloved, hatted, booted and shaded up to the max) is on hand lest anything goes wrong"
with pigtails and a thoughtful Gregory, as well as a cheeky look on her face." |
(September 2016 to March 2017) |
Writing her own song Starting Year 1 at Broadstone Hall School Swinging on the high bar at the park Starting Rainbows and receiving her Rainbow Promise certificate Playing with sparklers with the twins Enjoying fireworks at the Hinds Head and writing a poem about it Going to the Christmas markets Winning races on Mario Kart Wii Getting a Build-A-Bear pony Looking after the Olivia doll from Rainbows Watching Trolls at the cinema (twice!) Dressing up as Tabby McTat |
"A fairly familiar scene: Daisy on her tablet." "Anyway, as Daisy is 5 and a half, we're in September and that means starting her next year (Year 1) at school, to be taught by Mrs Healy." "Daisy made sure she was close to the action. Y'know, in case any candles needed blowing out or cake needed eating." "It's Bonfire, er, Day and I'm not exactly clear why Daisy is dressing like a cat and stood in the leaves." "Daisy emerged the overall champion of a 3-race 50cc grand prix." "It's obviously look-a-bit-crazy-with-a-headband-on evening at Rainbows, or so it seems based on Daisy's and Maeve's poses." "Daisy is very happy to have the Olivia doll from Rainbows and is reading her a story." |
(March 2017) |
Receiving a karaoke machine Having the Allens round for a birthday party Getting to choose the menu Hosting a party for her friends at Zoom Dressing as royalty for the party meal Sharing a slushie with both twins Opening a stackload more presents Wearing lots of badges to school Indulging in a birthday meal at Bella Italia
"The big present of the morning was one of those that you think you will regret in time: a karaoke party machine, which enables Daisy to sing along to her favourite CDs." "For the obligatory spread, I had asked Daisy to provide the requests. These included tomato pasta, onion ring crisps, sausages, chips, tiger bread, halloumi, egg mayonnaise and a cheese board, amongst other things." "After all that action, it was time for some frozen e-numbers in a cup, which was nicely shared with Daisy by the twins." "After school, I took the afternoon off and we went for an early tea to one of Daisy's favourite restaurants, Bella Italia." |
(March 2017 to September 2017) |
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(September 2017 to March 2018) |
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(March 2018) |
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(March to September 2018) |
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(September 2018 to March 2019) |
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(March 2019) |
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(March 2019 to September 2019) |
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(September 2019 to March 2020) |
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(March 2020) |
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