Daisy Suzanne Allen
Born Sunday 6th March 2011
3 to 7 weeks old
Her life: Birth ♥ Week 1 ♥ Weeks 2-3 ♥ Weeks 4-7 ♥ Weeks 8-13 ♥ Weeks 14-22 ♥ 5-7 months ♥ 7-8 months ♥ 8-10 months ♥ 1st Christmas ♥ 10-12 months ♥ 1st birthday party ♥ 12-15 months ♥ 15-18 months ♥ 18-21 months ♥ 21-24 months ♥ 2nd birthday ♥ 2-2½ years ♥ 2½-3 years ♥ 3rd birthday ♥ 3-3¼ years ♥ 3¼-3½ years ♥ 3½-3¾ years ♥ 3¾-4 years ♥ 4th birthday
In summary: Index ♥ From birth to four years old ♥ Four years old onwards
Special features: Daisy translator ♥ Daisy cookery ♥ Daisy phrases ♥ Golden Bear
Week four opens with Daisy looking very cosy in the car seat. She could sleep for hours in here, and usually does. It's also a good rocking chair in the kitchen, when she whiles away the minutes and hours listening to indie rock music.
In fact, here she is in the kitchen looking rather intense.
The classic post-feed sleep position, on mummy's shoulder.
Here the indie rock music has worked wonders, much more so than the insect dangling off the seat handle.
Daisy took to shopping in Tesco extremely well indeed, sat in the car seat, competing for space with leeks and feta cheese. Lynne had the main trolley with our main shopping in.
Four weeks after Daisy was born, it was Mothering Sunday. This meant Lynne's first Mother's Day. She got a little emotional as I whisked out a big bunch of flowers which Daisy had chosen when I went for a mammoth walk the previous day.
Daisy also asked me to cook Lynne (although she said "mummy" not "Lynne", naturally) savoury French toast with bacon, and so I obliged. Later that day, the Allens arrive, and it was Nana Sue's turn to be treated, with a basket of her favourite things and some pork, feta, chorizo & rice stuffed peppers. But never mind all that. Matt brought round his snazzy camera equipment for some serious photo taking. After a morning walk, Daisy was tired and slept well, so she was hungry upon waking, and Nana Sue fed her.
Aunty Katie was excited to have secondary feeding and burping responsibility.
Daisy just lay there, waiting patiently for the wind.
She can look very thoughtful at times. Here it's like she has just been asked a slightly tricky question.
She seemed alarmed by what was on the TV (which was Super Mario Bros Wii).
She just liked chilling with her Aunty, sat up and everything.
More will appear here soon.
And soon is now. More excellent shots from Matt's camera on Mother's Day. For a short while, Daisy stared straight at the camera.
Aunty Katie would just not let go as Daisy became MC Daisy.
Time for Daddy (me!) to hold her. She gazed straight back at me. I don't often see the back of my head. Trim cut.
Daisy goes all frowny as she finally gets a milk top-up, this time from Nana Sue.
But Aunty Katie does the winding - it's hard to keep up.
And finally, one of, er, Daisy. For a change. I think she enjoyed Mother's Day.
Ok ok, we've got time for a biiiig yawn.
Prolly time for bed. And that is all for now.
Well, time waits for no... baby. Here is a lovely present from Suze and Rick to Daisy.
Daisy has a wonderful array of sleeping poses, with her arms seemingly defying gravity. Here, she's all gone a bit Tommy Cooper. And it happened just like that.
"Auntie" Nic seemed happy to be holding Daisy, who looked a little grumpy.
Here she is close up in her frilliest baby grow. She is a month and a day old here.
Nic definitely had the touch, as Daisy soon fell asleep in a slightly hunched position.
Daisy comforts herself by shoving a thumb into her gums.
That's all for now.
On 14th April, Aunty Jill, Uncle John and Great Nana Betty came over to visit Lynne and Daisy. Here is Aunty Jill with Daisy.
At first, I thought that Uncle John had become a hair transplanting celebrity, but it's just the hat.
Well now, this is either end of four generations, as Great Nana Betty cuddles her great granddaughter, Daisy.
Uncle John, sans hat, with Daisy and Great Nana Betty in the background. It's easy, this looking after babies lark.
On Sunday 24th, the twins came round. Ellie was mildly intrigued by young Daisy, who stared into the mid distance, but she was more interested in exploring the garden, going up steps and down steps. Find more twin photos here.
Daisy, aged nearly 7 weeks: puzzled, on lap.
For the old queen's birthday (shared with the Queen's, albeit we went the day after), we had lunch at the Elizabethan, which was nice although (i) we ate too much and (ii) Daisy had a bit of a strop. A bit of birthday girl Nana Sue rocking sent her off to sleep, though. Here is Aunty Katie, pleased to be holding a placid Daisy when we got back. (Apparently, Katie contributed to this by walking around with her outside.)
Lynne gets the next piece of equipment, the baby-holder, installed. Both girls give me that "how do I look in this?" look.
Apart from night times in the Moses basket, Daisy spends most of her time in the car seat (but not, usually, in the car - whatever works, eh), looked after by a mouse. She sleeps well here.
In the car seat again, she has started to notice toys, get excited by them and can now give them a whack.
On Easter Saturday, Dr Liam came round with Dr Kath for a barbecue. The young scampster Rachel, who, nearly five years of age, was besotted by even younger Daisy.
Here is Dr Liam with Adam, 18 months old or so and looking messy.
And that will do from this period of Daisy's life. I'm sure there will be further updates.