Daisy Suzanne Allen

Born Sunday 6th March 2011

Up to 1 week old

Her life:  Birth Week 1 Weeks 2-3 Weeks 4-7 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 14-22 5-7 months 7-8 months 8-10 months 1st Christmas 10-12 months 1st birthday party 12-15 months 15-18 months 18-21 months 21-24 months 2nd birthday 2-2½  years 2½-3 years 3rd birthday 3-3¼ years 3¼-3½ years 3½-3¾ years 3¾-4 years 4th birthday

In summary:  Index From birth to four years old Four years old onwards

Special features:  Daisy translator Daisy cookery Daisy phrases Golden Bear

We move on to day two (if day zero was the day she was born), after Daisy's first night at Denby Lane.  She wasn't too bad, but I didn't get a wink of sleep, obviously not used to having a baby in the room (or indeed Lynne, since she had previously reached the very uncomfortable stage of her pregnancy plus I didn't want to wake her whilst getting ready for work, and in any case she had been in the hospital the last two nights).  My brain wouldn't let me drift off, listening out for every noise that Daisy did (or didn't) make.  Here she is on the morning of the 8th, scratching her head (as much as she can with the sleeve covering her hand), wondering what to do with herself.

The answer is obviously sleep, something she is (thankfully) very good at (I may regret saying that).  As I mentioned on Facebook, I don't know what Daisy dreams about, but here she seems to be operating an imaginary bow and arrow.

Later that day, given how alert she seemed, we tried her on the play mat for a bit.  She didn't really appreciate the weird dangling creatures.  Probably a bit young yet.  She looks snuggly anyway.

She was soon showing off her grip onto the basket whilst asleep skills.

The Allens were soon itching to come round, and so they popped over that evening.  Aunty Katie hovered near the basket, waiting for the second that Daisy opened her eyes so that she could pick her up.  (This is taken on Matt's camera, hence the improvement in quality.)

But soon she had the chance.  Not sure that Daisy had completely woken up, though.

Here's a close-up, courtesy of Matt's camera.  Nope, she seems to be asleep again.

Nana Sue was not happy she had to wait for second turn having been distracted by washing up the lasagne dishes (after she had kindly brought round some homemade lasagne).  She got a go eventually, though.  Again, Daisy looks to be asleep.

Last but definitely not least, fresh from making pancakes (it was, after all, Pancake Tuesday), Uncle Matt's first interaction with Daisy was handled with all the due care and attention of a soldier disarming a landmine.  Daisy greeted Uncle Matt with some belting bottom burps, with some followthrough action definitely identified.  It wasn't clear whether this was nerves or a sign of being supremely relaxed, but we know who to call if she gets constipated in future.  (Call the Bot Phone?)

The next morning saw more play mat action, and yet more ignoring of the dangly things.  It all goes in the special Daisy logbook, anyway.  Two days old: ignores bee.  Three days old: continues to ignore bee.

Mother and daughter share a love of le blanket.  When she is a bit unsettled, sometimes it just pays to be back where she feels most at home.  Warm and adjacent to Lynne's heartbeat (which is slowing down now).  For the record, whilst the blanket does look a bit big for Daisy, it is Lynne's not Daisy's.

Having a baby makes you instantly more popular, it seems.  Nic booked in a post-work evening visit on the Wednesday.  Daisy was a bit tetchy that evening - you can see the ruddiness in her cheeks and chin...

...but here she stops moaning to stare at Nic.

Day four, and the many faces of Daisy Allen.  First, looking like she's having a bit of a sulk but, second, not really.  It's just one of the many facial contortions she pulls.


The house sometimes gets a bit cold, so we tried on a hat, as much for sartorial elegance as anything else.  Daisy gazed up at her mummy's eyes.

After a feed, it is (quite often) all too much, and she goes "flotbot" (technical term).

Daisy puts up her dukes.  Later, the midwife came round and weighed her.  She is now up to 3.56kg, which is getting on for 7lb 14oz, up 3oz from her birth weight.

One of the (many) mind-blowing things about having a baby is the vast number of amazing presents that flooded through the door.  This is a bouquet of flowers from Lynne's cousin Helen which, if you look closely, actually comprises rolled up socks and the like.  Creative.

She can look like a cheeky scamp in some shots, like this slightly blurry night time shot.  This is from day five.

Sometimes the best policy is to settle back and get both of you comfy (I'm not asleep by the way).

Sometimes she looks angelic, with a tinge of pink, and sleeves set to non-scratch mode.  (Day six.)

Later on the Saturday, Aunty Katie and Jordan came round.  Jordan kept his distance, but Katie was straight in there.

And that was all for week one.  Week two will be up shortly.  And is now up.

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