Daisy Suzanne Allen

Born Sunday 6th March 2011

1st Christmas

Her life:  Birth Week 1 Weeks 2-3 Weeks 4-7 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 14-22 5-7 months 7-8 months 8-10 months 1st Christmas 10-12 months 1st birthday party 12-15 months 15-18 months 18-21 months 21-24 months 2nd birthday 2-2½  years 2½-3 years 3rd birthday 3-3¼ years 3¼-3½ years 3½-3¾ years 3¾-4 years 4th birthday

In summary:  Index From birth to four years old Four years old onwards

Special features:  Daisy translator Daisy cookery Daisy phrases Golden Bear

At nearly 10 months, Daisy is undoubtedly too young to truly appreciate Christmas.  That will come next year, or possibly the year after (by all accounts).  At the beginning of December, Uncle Matt came round to take seasonal photos which Lynne planned to send round in Christmas cards - y'know, the personal touch.  It needed a seasonal outfit, for which Lynne definitely delivered.

I would like to say this now: Daisy - I can only apologise for these photos...

I give you... one of Santa's little helpers.  Here she appears to be awaiting instructions from her parents.  Whilst casually playing air guitar.  (Ignore the mess - that wasn't us.)

Ah that's more the spirit of it.

A brief interlude with Dad.

Give us another toothy grin.

Let me get this straight: you want me to shake this whilst sticking my thumb up?

Just angelic, huh.

More action.  Books are infinitely more fun if they have textured areas (also known as "feely bits" in "touch and feel" books) or flaps hiding things.  She has become adept at flicking open flaps or finding the scratchy areas.  It certainly ranks higher than posing on her entertainment scale.

And here's a sign that you've taken too many photos.  Please stop, mummy and daddy.  It's humiliating.

Anyway, we fast forward to Christmas Eve and a visit to see the twins in Hale.  She's very excited to be here.

Ellie helps Daisy open her presents (i.e. she opens her presents for her).

Daisy loves photos of babies, and so this book will be extremely entertaining.

It was a present from Aunty Suze, so it's fitting that she read it with Daisy.

One of the presents that we (i.e. Lynne) got the twins was this toy cash register, which Daisy immediately took to, in particular the small tin and milk carton.

Onto Christmas Day itself and time to open the vast stash of presents.  We didn't get her too much knowing that (i) she wouldn't appreciate it and (ii) everyone else would be exceedingly generous and give her lots of presents.  That proved to be the case.

This was one of the presents we got her - a Winnie the Pooh activity walker.  She can't crawl yet, so using it as a walker is a bit off, but it's still an activity centre that plays lots of songs depending on which bits you mess with.

In fact, we didn't even need to get it out of the box for her to enjoy it.  This was A Good Present.  I got her a baby laptop of which she just opened and closed the lid.

Matt and I did the cooking for the day, as we hosted 9 adults in total (including us, but not including Daisy, obviously), and it all went well.  Daisy in particular was a star, charming everyone who came and not getting stroppy at any point.  When we sat eating our turkey meal, she sat merrily playing amidst a sea of toys and cushions.  A bit like this.

It was nearly her bedtime when Nana Sue read her some stories.  That always pushes back bedtime.  Everyone was in this room, bar Matt, when the Soda Stream exploded, sending fizzy lime water all over the kitchen.  Matt was in shock.

The next morning, Daisy is demonstrating her ability to use the Sky+ remote.  It hasn't taken her long to work out how to make it do stuff.

This is a typical scene in what has become her living room, exacerbated by the increase in toy volume due to Christmas.  She loves it, though.  The laptop lies out of reach to the left, lid shut.

Later that day we headed over to the twins' house for a post-Christmas afternoon party (as distinct from a Christmas Eve morning present opening session).  Daisy was happy to play with the cash register and/or read books.

And that was Christmas.  Click here to head back to the previous page (8-10 months), here to go to the next page (10-12 months) or here to go to the Secret Portal.