Christmas 2012

In Haddington


A good couple of weeks before Christmas, Lynne took a trip to B&Q to purchase the best tree that £15 could buy.  Daisy had the job of putting it all together, and she didn't do badly at all.

I had the role of decorating the tree - I couldn't remember the last time I had done so.  Even Lynne admitted I had done some good work.

The day before heading up to Haddington, we popped down the A34 to Debbie & Simon's in Congleton, where a lot of family were assembling (21 by my count, and with 4 missing).  Here, Nana Sue, Tommy and cousin Alison watch on as Daisy plays with Sylvanian Families.

Daisy and Lily soon struck up a rapport (albeit it's not obvious from this shot).

We drove up to Haddington on Sunday 23rd, and on Christmas Eve, while I was out trying my road bike (and duly getting a puncture), Avis and Daisy (and others) went to the beach - I don't think anyone was going for a swim, though.  Later that evening, we drove over to the Rowllings for a Chinese meal (other Paul was desperate for some stodge).

Daisy's second Christmas Day morning and it was time to make a quick call on her Hello Kitty phone.  With crazy hair.

This year, Daisy could get a bit more involved with the present opening, although she would tend to open one present, which was inevitably boxed and required us to "appen, appen" it.  She would then play with the opened present, forgetting about the others.

Daisy was one of the first of us dressed, wearing her stripy dress whilst posing on the sofa.

I wasn't far behind in the getting dressed stakes, although I needed a Pepsi Max (the last one, all the rest were caffeine free - error!) to get me going.  I look a bit out of it already.

The present of the day was clearly the Happy Land house, which Daisy enjoyed rearranging the furniture of, although there was some distress at the lack of seating available for its residents, especially when the additional packs of animals were factored in.

It was only a matter of time before Louise and Lynne got in on the Happy Land action.

It's Christmas Day and it's meal time.  I got most people to pose, but Daisy refused to turn around, which distracted Lynne somewhat.

I decided to go to the other side, but it was difficult to get everyone in the picture, and some had even given up looking anyway.

Daisy's first gambling.  If she finds herself in casinos and poker clubs in years to come, this will be the reason.

With Daisy in bed, it was time for a (hastily purchase) board game, for which Louise took charge of learning the rules.  Oh yes, and we all had to wear moustaches, which were randomly (one presumes) distributed in the crackers at the table for the purposes of picking teams for the later quiz.

I would venture to suggest that this is not a good look.

This betrays the fact that I have re-arranged the order of the photos, as it is actually before Paul turned his moustache the right way up (two pictures above).

Lynne had a trim little number.

Whereas I was a quintessential English gentleman.

The Schofields, moustachioed.

I found a small pistol on the table and decided that the job I would most like to have is the one of a spy.

It even managed to infect the past, as discovered that Lynne had graduated from university despite (or because of) having a huge handlebar moustache.

That's yer lot for now.

While (other) Paul and I went out for a 27 mile bike ride, recovering from an early puncture (for once, not on my bike), Daisy was back at one of her favourite places, the beach.  She searched far and wide for suitable shells for her collection.

Hi there - look what I've got!

After returning home on the Thursday, we had a chill-out day on the Friday.  On the Saturday, Matt came round to pick up a desk and we then followed him to check out his (and Nic's) new house.  Later we popped round to Suze & Rick's housewarming party, before I met the boys in town for some curry action.  On the Sunday, I took Daisy over to Judy & Jim's for a reunion of Daisy and Lily, although Lily wasn't there when we got there, so Daisy sat nicely eating a ham sandwich while watching Timmy Time.  (She also had a couple of chocolates, although the second one of these was held while she ate pieces of pear - healthy food takes preference!)

Lily arrived and, as Daisy was tiring, there was a request for Peppa Pig.  After a few episodes, it wasn't long before Daisy was clawing at the door, wanting to be taken home for a sleep.  She does like her sleep.

And that's it.  For more tales of Christmas 2012, but the New Year's Eve part of it, see this page.