Big Birthday Buffet Bonanza

12th May 2013

And so it came to pass: the Allen brothers reached the uncelebrated milestones of 34 and 37 years old.  Mum's watchword was "efficiency", which naturally led to a joint occasion for the two of us, characterised by a big buffet.  Daisy was pleased to see Aunty Katie, not even removing her shoes before leaping on to the settee (avert your eyes, mother).



However, joy had soon been replaced by anxiety as Katie gave the impression that she was hers for good ("Look what I've got - I'm not letting go now").



Flanked by a pair of colourful balloons, Katie and Jordan adopt their favourite catalogue poses; the former playing with her hair as usual, and the latter developing the classic masculine wrist curvature.  They don't sell many catalogues.



And lo, the food was served.  It was a splendidly eclectic mix of delicacies, including roast beef with roast potatoes, home-made curry and rice, salad, cheese, bread and maybe some fish (who knows, I didn't touch it).  (I think I've missed what's in the other of those two pots but it's nearly 8 months later now and I can't remember.  What can I say?  I've been lax.)



This is... unusual.  Clearly this eating position is not due to a lack of chairs - she is using it as a table after all - but perhaps it relates to the need to really cut through some of the food with a knife, for which a sturdy surface is evidently required.



Oh hang on, she doesn't get to eat it herself; it goes to Daisy, ever prowling for someone else's food (which, after all, always tastes better).  You can see in the background our starter, comprising a variety of corn-based snacks (crisps to you and me) and a bottle of champagne.  It's how they do it en France.   (I later noticed how Katie is opening her own mouth wide as encouragement, which Daisy doesn't need at this age - she's two, not six months.)



After the savoury gluttony of starter and main, it was time for some chocolate gatux with two huge sparklers embedded.  There appears to be some sort of cheering or singing going on.



I left Matt in charge of putting them out.  Here, he preps his breath...



...and here he blows, with seemingly little effect.  Although actually, it does seem like he has forgotten to keep his mouth open (basic skill), which probably explains things.



From the other side of the conservatory, Daisy tried to help out.  I can't imagine it contributed much from there, but I would be happily corrected.



Unsafe fire devices thus removed, Daisy made her way towards the chocolate cake temptation (something she can never refuse).  Oh look, it says "Happy Birthday".  How apt.



But this being Allen Catering Limited, there were more desserts.  The target is usually one per person, ably demonstrated by Matt's decision to tackle this gatux head on.  Unfortunately, I only managed to get the "before" shot.



I do hope that Matt wasn't gloating to Daisy about having a whole cake to himself, while she was limited to shards of the chocolate cake...



...which she of course demolished, with Matt looking on this time with what I can describe as admirusement, a mixture of admiration and amusement.  (Or perhaps amusation.)



After all that food, it's time for a rest on a big chair.



No, wait, it's time to play hospitals.  Doctor Daisy is in the house (she does house calls).  Her equipment is state of the art.



But, it turns out, she is actually the one who is unwell and needs to be the patient to Doctor Matt, who notes down key facts about Daisy, including how wide she can open her mouth...



...and how fast her heart is beating.  Daisy has a very serious look on her face, which was a feature of this segment of the day, with this sternness and the terseness of her replies causing much hilarity.



But inevitably, as it always does, the day came to a close.  A mysterious figure did a manic, silhouetted wave to see us off.



The end.


Back to the Secret Portal.




I can now reveal the hidden figure as none other than Newton-le-Willows culinary genius Janet Barlow (as revealed by Matt's Photoshoppery - other photo-editing software options are available).



Definitely the end now.