Out and about in Manchester


Home page

Slow pub crawl

Restaurant reviews

Curry reviews

Where to eat

Happy hours

Tipsy 100 index

Spaceman is attached to Manchester.  It's where spaceman has been for most of his life.  Spaceman also likes beer.  They sell a lot of beer in Manchester.  This is a relationship that works quite well.

Aiming to take in every pub in central Manchester, the slow pub crawl continues at breakneck pace (possibly).  Check it out.

Spaceman's very own alcohol index.  Sift through the burning wreckage that was the second half of 2002.

With a nod to those who like a nice, good value alcoholic beverage after a hard day at work, spaceman has decided to compile a list of happy hours of bars and pubs in Manchester.  As you can imagine, it is a research process that spaceman revels in.  This is spaceman's kind of research.  Available on this website is an up-to-date list of happy hours in town.  Well, for up-to-date read out of date.  This is a bit of a forgotten part of the Melon Farm.  Ah well.

Having established that spaceman is partial to a pint or three (but not in anyway an alcoholic), spaceman would also like to share the fact that spaceman loves a good curry.  And, what gets spaceman quite excited is the presence of the "curry mile", a mile long stretch of road in Rusholme (Wilmslow Road) south of Manchester, home to lots and lots (and lots) of curry houses.  Because there are so many, and curries are so good, spaceman has compiled a curry review, a guide to the curry houses along the curry mile (and in the centre of town).

Spaceman didn't want to stop there, though.  Spaceman thought "what the hell" and has chosen to do a restaurant guide for places in Manchester.  Spaceman is well placed to do this as spaceman goes to so many.

If it's not quite tea time yet, there is now a page featuring ideas and recommendations on where to eat your breakfast or lunch, with a special section on where to get your post-closing time munchies abated.