Pub Stagger 2
"Hung, Drawn & Northern Quartered"
Behind The Scenes
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Ok, it's day 2 and there are plenty of photos leftover. Some people say that barney is only truly happy with a pint in hand. And they'd be damn well right. This is in Simple, by the way.
A distinctly stubbly (some would say beardy) barney mulls over another devilishly cryptic crossword clue before asking spaceman what the answer is. Meanwhile, in unrelated news, barney's pint of Staropramen reaches dangerously low levels.
Later, on the way to the Northern Quarter Restaurant And Bar, barney became distracted by a local lady. Anything for a free drink and a bit of cleavage, huh.
The barmaid seems to be running out of shot, but spaceman and barney are caught in the mirror behind the bar.
Barney attempts to scarper from spaceman's relentless note making and photo taking outside the NQRAB.
Here we are in Rodeo. It's dark, small and dingy, and barney is feeling a little cheeky.
On to the Bay Horse, and da boys try to do neat things with cameras and mirrors. Well, mirror.
Barney somehow gets hold of the camera and gets unprecedented pictures of spaceman firstly sampling the delights of lager beer, and secondly scribbling crucial notes for the pub stagger/guide.
The (in)famous Old School Homer t-shirt got an airing on Pub Stagger 2.
Liberated of the demands of photographer, barney takes to opera.
Hmm, what to write, what to write...
Barney the charmer in action, saying how many frames would be won by the victor (not barney, it turned out, mwaha).
Spaceman, meanwhile, is bewitched by a lady in the corner, whose economy of movement and flimsiness of clothing has spaceman wondering what to say to break the ice ("hey, what's with the birdcage, lady?" perhaps).
Barney finds the speed shot setting as spaceman slams another break. You'd think one would have gone down with that power, wouldn't you...
Barney does get to the table.
Finally, in Common, it all gets too much for barney, who, heavy-eyed, pretends to read the paper to avoid listening to spaceman's endless research questions.
The end. |