One of spaceman's favourite bands, if not spaceman's all-time favourite. A string of classic albums and classic songs.
Line up: Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, Phil Selway, Ed O'Brien, Colin Greenwood
Place of origin: Oxford
Where and when spaceman has seen them live:
Victoria Park, Warrington, 1 October 2000
Track listing: 1. 2 + 2 = 5 2. Sit Down. Stand Up 3. Sail To The Moon 4. Go To Sleep 5. Where I End And You Begin 6. We Suck Young Blood 7. The Gloaming 8. There There 9. I Will 10. A Punchup At A Wedding 11. Myxomatosis 12. Scatterbrain 13. A Wolf At The Door |
Hail To The Thief Review to appear here. |
Released: 2003 Highest chart: 1
![]() Released: 2001 Highest chart: 1 |
Amnesiac Review will appear here. |
Track listing: 1. Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box 2. Pyramid Song 3. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors 4. You And Whose Army 5. I Might Be Wrong 6. Knives Out 7. Morning Bell/Amnesiac 8. Dollars And Cents 9. Hunting Bears 10. Like Spinning Plates 11. Life In A Glasshouse |
Track listing: 1. Everything In Its Right Place 2. Kid A 3. The National Anthem 4. How To Disappear Completely 5. Treefingers 6. Optimistic 7. In Limbo 8. Idioteque 9. Morning Bell 10. Motion Picture Soundtrack |
Kid A Review to appear here. |
![]() Released: 2000 Highest chart: 1
![]() Released: 1997 Highest chart: 1 |
OK Computer This should be, without exception, in everyone's collection. From the moment the opening burst of Airbag kicks in to the final chords of The Tourist, this is sheer genius. Sublime highlights include Paranoid Android, a six-minute part-angry, part-angelic sprawl ("When I am king/You will be first against the wall"); Let Down ("Don't get sentimental/It only ends up drivel"); Karma Police, which has an ending that makes the hairs on the back of the neck stand to attention; and No Surprises, a gentle beauty about suicide ("I'll take the quiet life/A handshake/Of carbon monoxide"). All in all, an absolute classic. 10/10 |
Track listing: 1. Airbag 2. Paranoid Android 3. Subterranean Homesick Alien 4. Exit Music (For A Film) 5. Let Down 6. Karma Police 7. Fitter Happier 8. Electioneering 9. Climbing Up The Walls 10. No Surprises 11. Lucky 12. The Tourist |
Track listing: 1. Planet Telex 2. The Bends 3. High And Dry 4. Fake Plastic Trees 5. Bones 6. (Nice Dream) 7. Just 8. My Iron Lung 9. Bullet Proof.. I Wish I Was 10. Black Star 11. Sulk 12. Street Spirit (Fade Out) |
The Bends Review will appear here. |
![]() Released: 1995 Highest chart: 4 |
![]() Released: 1993 Highest chart: 25 |
Pablo Honey Review will appear here. |
Track listing: 1. You 2. Creep 3. How Do You? 4. Stop Whispering 5. Thinking About You 6. Anyone Can Play Guitar 7. Ripcord 8. Vegetable 9. Prove Yourself 10. I Can't 11. Lurgee 12. Blow Out |
Com Lag 2 + 2 = 5
I Might Be Wrong (Live)
Airbag/How Am I Driving?
My Iron Lung